Mentoring for Birth Workers

Thoughtful, compassionate guidance along your journey.
Whether you’re looking for help on the business side of things, navigating complicated situations with your clients, or learning new skills, we’d love to support you!
Our doula practice focuses on helping our clients find wisdom within themselves, rather than viewing us as experts who will tell them what is best. We love supporting birth workers in the same way - we’d love to help you find ways to build on your strengths to create a practice that serves both you and your clients beautifully!
Many new and aspiring birth workers have trouble finding a mentor in their local community. We offer virtual sessions via Zoom to support you wherever you are.
We were lucky to find amazing mentors when we were getting started as doulas. We can speak firsthand to the immense value of a mentoring relationship and the huge difference it made in helping us create a practice that really felt like ours.
You deserve support just like your clients do, and we’re here to help!
30 minute session: $85
1-2 hour session: $150
Bundle of three 30-minute sessions: $225
Bundle of three 1-2 hour sessions: $400
How it works
When you register, decide if you’d like to book a 30 minute session, a 1-2 hour session, or a bundle of 3 sessions.
Depending on your needs, we’ll decide if Marlee or Megan would be a better fit for you.
We’ll email you a link to book your first session.
We’ll meet on Zoom for our conversation.
Keep in touch! Schedule another session anytime.
Times when extra support can make all the difference
You’re deciding whether you want to pursue birth work, or how to get started
It’s time to set up your business and you want some guidance
You’re anticipating situations you might encounter as you work with clients and want to prepare
You want support working through a challenge that has arisen in your practice
Your practice doesn’t feel sustainable and you’re looking for ways to make it work
Examples of topics we can work through together
(plus anything else you want to talk about!)
Business topics
Deciding on a training organization that fits your goals and values
Creating your website
Formalizing your business structure
Drafting your contracts
Setting your prices
Creating systems in your business
Software options to help run your practice more smoothly
Deciding if, when, and how to add other services to your practice
Meaningful networking strategies
Communication skills
Navigating pricing conversations with prospective clients
Discussing controversial topics with your clients
Meaningful ways to share information with your clients that doesn’t feel overwhelming
How to move forward when your client doesn’t want more information about a certain topic
Ways to support your clients who make choices you wouldn’t choose
Answering the question, “What do you think I should do?”
Creating a sustainable practice
Care practices to support your body, mind, and soul
Navigating places where you’re feeling stuck in your business
Debriefing from difficult experiences in your work
How your values show up in your practice
Navigating virtual birth work
Maintaining a schedule that works for your life
Creating and holding boundaries in your practice
Navigating relationships with other birth professionals
How to find back-up doulas
Exploring partnership models
Support for birth doulas
Conducting meaningful prenatal and postpartum visits
What advocacy can look like as a birth doula
Working with clients who have a high-risk pregnancy
Strategies for supporting clients in a hospital setting
Navigating inductions with your clients
Handling long births
How to support for clients who have an epidural
Supporting cesarean births, both scheduled and unexpected
Working with clients planning a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)
Working with clients experiencing anxiety and/or depression
What to do if your client loses their baby during pregnancy or birth
Support for postpartum doulas
Deciding on your focus/specialty
Defining your boundaries
Creating service packages
Setting your schedule
Working with nontraditional families
Navigating feeding challenges with clients
Supporting clients who had a difficult birth experience
What to do if clients ask you to do something that doesn’t feel safe
What advocacy can look like as a postpartum doula
Working with clients experiencing anxiety and/or depression
Support for lactation professionals
Learning skills to improve your lactation/feeding support
Discussing pumping and bottle feeding with your clients
How to support clients who are bottle feeding and nursing
Working with clients who are exclusively pumping
Supporting clients who are exclusively formula feeding
What advocacy can look like as a lactation professional
Recognizing when additional resources could be helpful
Deciding whether and how to pursue additional lactation training
Support for bereavement doulas
What to say and what not to say when a client loses their baby
Helping your clients navigate their options if their baby has a fatal diagnosis
Navigating second and third trimester inductions when the baby is not expected to live
What advocacy can look like as a bereavement doula
Ways to make a hospital stay more tolerable after a loss
Meaningful ways to support your clients postpartum
Caring for yourself in this heavy work