Awesome Thank You Gifts for Doulas
If you’ve wanted to get your doula a little something to say thanks but have felt a bit lost, we have a list of gift ideas (written by two doulas) that your doula will love!
Your Guide to Eating & Drinking during Labor
A doula’s guide to eating and drinking during labor, whether you’re giving birth in a hospital, birth center, or at home.
5 Reasons to Work with a Gentle Sleep Consultant
If you’ve never worked with a gentle sleep consultant before, it can be confusing to know when we might be able to help.
Patience Practice is the Best Toddler Hack You’ve Never Heard Of
Helping toddlers learn how to a few minutes on playing happily on their own without a caregiver present can make a huge difference in other ways. Read on to learn about this parenting hack!
Starting Mental Health Medication? Try These 5 Ways to Honor This Transition
If you’ve made the decision to start taking medication to improve your mental health in pregnancy or postpartum, we have some strategies for you to try to smooth out the transition.
10 Strategies to Help You Decide if Mental Health Medication Is Right for You
Experiencing depression or anxiety during or after pregnancy can be so disorienting. If you’re exploring options for healing and aren’t sure whether medication is the right option for you, we have some strategies to help you decide.
What You Should Know about Cervical Exams during Pregnancy
Pros and cons of routine cervical checks late in pregnancy, and our best tips for communicating with your care provider on this topic
Our Journey to Riverbend Birth
We moved our doula practice (and the rest of our lives) from Orange County, CA to Pittsburgh, PA!
15 Powerful Ways Birth Doulas Support Partners during Labor
Wondering how a birth doula will be worth it if your partner plans to be really involved in your birth? Read this list of ways birth doulas can make a positive impact on your partner’s experience, as well as yours.
The Best Questions to Ask When You Interview a Doula
If you're searching for a doula to support you in birth, this list of dos and don'ts will help you have great conversations during your doula interviews. A doula consult is usually your only chance to get to know this person before you spend hundreds of dollars on their services, so it's a don't-miss opportunity!
Your Pandemic Birth Experience Matters
If you gave birth post-covid but pre-vaccines, your pandemic birth story matters.
New Year’s Eve 2019 Reflection
We love taking time at the end of the year to reflect on our experiences and growth.
The Essential Ingredient of Doula Support
Flexibility is a value we hold dear in our doula practice. Learn why this aspect of our approach makes such a big difference for our birth doula clients.
Interview with [M]otherboard Birth Founder & CEO, Amy Haderer
[M]otherboard Birth is an exciting new platform to help parents learn about their options in birth and create a birth plan. If you want to learn more about this new tool, check out our interview with CEO & Founder Amy Haderer.
10 Tricks to Feeling Comfortable in Your Labor and Delivery Room
Experienced doulas share 10 tricks to help you settle into your hospital room for labor.